Estimated Weight (mass)
(5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons)

Estimated Age 4.6 billion years
Current Population 6,446,131,714
Surface Area (510,066,000 sq km)
Land Area (148,647,000 sq km) 29.1%
Ocean Area (335,258,000 sq km)
Total Water Area (361,419,000 sq km) 70.9%
Type of Water (97% salt), (3% fresh)
Circumference at the equator (40,066 km)
Circumference at the poles (39, 992 km)
Diameter at the equator (12,753 km)
Diameter at the poles (12,710 km)
Radius at the equator (6,376 km)
Radius at the poles (6,355 km)

Orbit Speeds The earth orbits the Sun at
(66,700 mph), (107,320 km per hour)
Sun Orbit The earth orbits the Sun every 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds

To convert km (kilometers) to miles, multiply kilometers by: 0.621371

To convert sq km (kilometers) to sq miles, multiply kilometers by: 0.386102
Estimated Weight (mass)
(5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons)
Estimated Age 4.6 billion years
Current Population 6,446,131,714
Surface Area (510,066,000 sq km)
Land Area (148,647,000 sq km) 29.1%
Ocean Area (335,258,000 sq km)
Total Water Area (361,419,000 sq km) 70.9%
Type of Water (97% salt), (3% fresh)
Circumference at the equator (40,066 km)
Circumference at the poles (39, 992 km)
Diameter at the equator (12,753 km)
Diameter at the poles (12,710 km)
Radius at the equator (6,376 km)
Radius at the poles (6,355 km)
Orbit Speeds The earth orbits the Sun at
(66,700 mph), (107,320 km per hour)
Sun Orbit The earth orbits the Sun every 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
To convert km (kilometers) to miles, multiply kilometers by: 0.621371
To convert sq km (kilometers) to sq miles, multiply kilometers by: 0.386102
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